MFK Wikia

The Shieldwoods, an unforgiving and vastly inhospitable place for most. But not for the jungle satyrs of the heart of this region. With vague, light stripe patterns over their whole body, stocky legs, thick fur, short stature and usually bull-esque horns, they are a sight to behold. Very much indeed the definition of a jungle tribe, living in one of the most densely wooded areas on all of Atheria. They are almost unheard of, due to their location right in the center of the monster-ridden woods, though one has been released. A satyr by the name of "Kineta", the chief's daughter, has been cast away from the tribe for treason. They speak a tribal, simple language called "Koyuti". It has a limited alphabet of only K, H, L, Y, T, I, O, A, E, and U. All letters have one pronunciation and never change. i's are "ee", o's are "oh", u's are "oo", t's and h's don't combine, and e's and a's are soft. Nothing is known yet, as she has yet to do anything or even see anyone else, but more will be written as is revealed.
